Food Matthew DiPerna

What are we putting in our body? Do you know? how well is food regulated? these are questions we should be asking ourselves when we consider what to eat.

GMO's are genetically modified organisms that can be found in food. The United States are one of few countries to say they are safe and allow the sale of them. Also they do not have to be labeled when sold in the United States, so you might not even know you eat them.

You also have to be careful about your fruits and vegetables, especially since the tomato paste for school lunches in considered a vegetable from a nutrition standard in 2012 from the US Department of Agriculture.

When we look at food we have to look at many things, including the food labels, and if the food is genetically modified. We are the only ones that can ensure we eat safe food since obviously government regulations are not. especially since the FDA(which covers every food but meat) gets a fraction of the funding that the USDA (only covers meat) receives.

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