Lapoche Gourmet

We work on your concept creation & development with the vision to upgrade your original concepts & deliver on the bottom line.
However big or small we work in your budget by determining identity & type of the concept.
We combines our market research, negotiation skills to source the right solution at the right time with the best possible lease terms.
Menu engeniring
Live cooking
Ambiance & operations are the focus of our attention, a good-looking design,hygiene & municipal guidelines. Safety standards in advance for smooth operations.
The most exciting part where concept get unique brand identity! Need a lot of effort to getting ambience, fantastic atmosphere & winning product offerings.
The most important tools and techniques to ensure your product is cost effective and able to be implemented during operation.
Set standards & systems to ensure that customers receive the same standards of experience every time.
Tested systems & procedures with the most talented & effective Human Resources
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