Christmas 4 Kids By Sean lua

These are 10 things you should do with your child during the Christmas holiday/New year holiday

1. Visit other states and countries. You should visit other states/countries to have fun and discover new things!

2. Go around your state/country. You could go to festivals and enjoy the holidays rather than stay at home and do nothing fun.

3. Let your kids have a play date. You should let your kids have play dates at each other's houses during the holidays.

4. Go to the movies. As much as you could go anytime, do it as a "family bonding time."

5. Decorate your house with your kids. Why don't you add tinsel, a Christmas tree or add Christmas lights.

6. Spend time with your neighbourhood. Spending time with neighbours is a very good idea.

7. Since it is the holidays, why not watch the fireworks? Why not watch the New Years fireworks? It's an amazing experience.

8. Go to your nearest Australia Day event. Go to a popular place in your country and there should be an event of Australia on the 26th.

9. If your a baker/cooker, make really good food!! We all know lots of people love food!

10. Make a person happy this holiday. Nothing is fun if no one is happy!


Created with images by pixel2013 - "christmas tree christmas christmas motif" • Schwarzenarzisse - "christmas sack celebrate sweet" • Alexas_Fotos - "moose christmas christmas motif" • blickpixel - "gift made surprise" • blickpixel - "gift made surprise" • blickpixel - "gift made surprise" • kevin dooley - "Christmas from the present's perspective" • Alexas_Fotos - "christmas santa claus fig" • Olin Gilbert - "Merry Christmas from Chipley" • flotty - "christmas jewelry fig christmas angel" • silviarita - "bake motto world" • kevin dooley - "My heart explodes for the new Motorola Zine ZN5"

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