Common Exhibit #4: Post-Test Analysis & Office Hours Visit Aidan Pilon | Spring 2017

Study and Test Taking Plan

I had to take a different approach when preparing for my next stat exam. I used the method that I wrote about in common exhibit number three. I started studying about a week and a half in advance, but did things very differently than I did in preparation for my first exam. I through the three chapters being tested in two days. I pulled out all the key terms and studied them in and out, gaining a real understanding of the unit overview. I then jumped right into practice exams the following day, not expecting to do well on them but to look at what I should be focusing on early and seeing how the information will be presented. I then went back over my class notes, instructor class slides, and notes that I took when working on the practice exams. I then took the practice exams again two days before the exam. I was finally confident in the material. I scored an 75 on the actual exam. I used this same strategy for my latest exam and am awaiting the results. I feel I did even better.


I believe the study techniques I used to be a good way to prepare for my final exam as well. It shows what types of questions I got wrong and why. I learned that I mixed up some of the formulas but the majority of my incorrect answers were due to a lack of interpretation of the question at hand. For example, in the open responses I didn't include units or restate the question. A lot of points were deducted due to careless errors and a lack of piecing the puzzle together fully by including those units that I forgot to incorporate in my answers.


Created with images by Pok_Rie - "wave water ocean"

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