Shanice's Goal Project. English 2 | period 6

semester goal:

My goal by the end of the semester is to have straight a's. I will do this by studying and turning in all of my work.

Stay in school and stay focused.

The more you try the better because if your'e showing no effort your teachers won't think you care, but if you put an effort your teachers will see your'e trying.

  • Step 1: focus and learn well in school.
  • Step 2: Do all classwork and homework.
  • Step 3: Turn in all work.

My English goal:

My English class goal is to get an a in this class.

  • Step 1: Do all my classwork
  • Step 2: Don't slack on turning anything in late.
  • Step 3: pay extra attention and ask for help if needed.

My High school goal:

My high school goal is to pass with a 3.7 GPA. Also to make varsity basketball.

" I've failed over and over again in my life... and that is why i succeed." -Michael Jordan.
  • Step 1: Get good grades.
  • Step 2: focus on school work and basketball.
  • Step 3: Practice 3 hours everyday shooting and playing.

My after High school goal:

My after high school goal is to go to college and graduation with my diploma and to make a college basketball team. Mostly want to go to NCAA.

  • Step 1: Get on varsity basketball.
  • Step 2: Get a scholarship for basketball.
  • Step 3: Go to basketball camps in California.

My personal goal:

My personal growth is to grow up and be successful and to not get in trouble anymore. Also to just be a better person my self and to have a lot of money by the time i'm 18.

Don't ever give up on your dreams.
It always seems impossible till it's done." -nelson mandela
  • Step 1: Start saving my money when i get a job.
  • Step 2: Never give up on dreaming.
  • Step 3: push myself no matter how hard it is.


Created with images by Chiemsee2016 - "puppy golden retriever dog" • jarmoluk - "education a good idea an array of" • geralt - "leave board hand" • jarmoluk - "apple education school" • umezy12 - "Classroom" • Wokandapix - "tablet books education" • kyasarin - "blackboard writing chalk" • nikk_la - "K26A6921" • nikk_la - "IMG_6340" • Pexels - "backboard backlit basketball board" • keijj44 - "basketball female action" • ChadCooperPhotos - "Shannon Evans Pass" • Cooperweb - "Money" • free pictures of money - "Money" • jared - "dreaming"

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