Social Media Strategy for.... "Easy Intershare" Jose Maria, Alberto & Jaime

Social Media strategy

  • Company: Easy Intershare - Nunca se Sabe.
  • Goal of the campaign: to sell and promote racing horses intershkres.

We make horse racing affordable and profitable, through bringing in potential owners to the world of horse racing and making them be an essential part of the whole experience. We give at every moment the trustworthy guidance from the best professionals on the field.

It is not like football, here you are a key player

Here we can find the team with Arnulfo, the winning horse of "Nunca se Sabe" intershare.

Our Social Media Strategy - A 2Way Strategy


In the first place, we develop a Social Media Plan dedicated to nurturing the relationship of current clients, current inter-sharers. This has also a beneficial knock-on effect, because them talking about the good service we deliver is one of the best Marketing we can achieve with regards to gaining more clients.

  • The implementation starts with a well structured Newsletter, that will be sent to the members of each timeshare on a bi-weekly basis.
  • The Newsletter will contain:
  • A video of the horse's latest performances, both races and trainings.
  • A brief commentary from a relevant member of the team, mentioning the horse's development and opportunities at each moment of the year, available both in text and podcast format. Easy to view and share.
  • A condensed analysis of the upcoming races highlighting the chances of the horse.
  • A small space dedicated to the update of the national and international horse race panorama, the updates of the news will be connected to the newsletter by RSS.

This would be an example of one of the Commercial Videos in the Newsletters that will also be available in Youtube and Vimeo to show how we do things in our Company.

In the videos, we will search the equilibrium between the entertainment and seriousness that a timeshare implies. We want to make it attractive while we emphasize at the same time the dedication and trustworthiness of our management, making our expertise tangible.

In this way we will stimulate the desire to participate in a timeshare and respond to it posing us as the credible means to achieving such satisfaction, differentiating ourselves from the traditional timeshare model. The newsletter will be the key element through which we will achieve this.

The added value in the long run is delivered through the Newsletter, which embraces key tools of Social Media Marketing like the mentioned RSS or Video-Sharing. With this we want to make inter-sharers feel constantly involved, not as if we had sold them a motorbike and we forget, they are the protagonists of it all.

This Social Media Plan will at the same time be our strongest Marketing tool, as it will cause current timeshare participants to talk about their satisfaction with the service that we offer, providing a trustworthy testimony among their circles that will stimulate further participation.

- Only one can be first -


In the second place we will employ a Social Media Strategy with regards to targeting new consumers. The aim is to stimulate the appeal to join a Racing Horse Intersharing.

With regards to this purpose we will create an email marketing campaign with a more condensed newsletter, just containing a brief video designed for a more commercial purpose accompanied by a call to action to receive news from the turf panorama thanks to an RSS that will feed the mail list.

The mails will direct them to a micro-blogging site where the information will be kept up to date thanks to the RSS feed from a mix of specialised sites.


Created with images by jlastras - "Último tramo" • babilkulesi - "horse horses race horse" • Mark Bonica - "Retama Park Horse Races" • Florian Christoph - "Railway Stakes"

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