Ecuador By: Carrie Brosman

Capital: Quito

Population: 16,528,618

He red iN The flag of ecuador stand for the blood shed by SOLDIERS. The blUe, for the sky and sea. The yellow, for prosperity.
A map of ecuador
Two products that my country is huge in are bananas and shrimp.
Llapingachos is potato and cheese cooked on a griddle until golden brown. (Basically a giant potato ole)
CEviche is a mix of raw sEafood and shellfish mixed in with, or 'cooked' in citrus juices.
Equador's TalleSt mountain peak, mount chimborazo, is the point on earTh closest to the sun.

The Panama Hat, sold to canal workers, was originally made in Equador, not Panama.


Created with images by Maurizio Costanzo - mavik2007 - "Ecuador, Cuenca" • Free Grunge Textures - - "Ecuador Grunge Flag" • thejourney1972 (South America addicted) - "Mapa América del Sur - América do Sul - South America map" • DSebourn - "Going Bananas" • Freeimages9 - "banana tree green" • ppkpichch - "shrimp prawn seafood" • Erik Starck - "Shrimps" • DFRod - "Llapingachos" • TooFarNorth - "ceviche" • Jorge Lascar - "The Andes - The world's longest mountain range" • CarolinaP - "mens' hats sun hats hat" • flowcomm - "Panama hats, Babylonstoren shop" • Colors Time - "Panama Hat"

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