Good Life Nature Activity at FLMNH uma blandon

Nature on Display: All the shades of blue immediately caught my attention. All the different hues were very calming and it felt like I was actually underwater. The lights also helped in giving the exhibit the underwater feeling since they were shining and moving as if the sun rays were traveling through the water. My attention was immediately captured as soon as I walked in and felt like I was underwater with giant crabs, starfish, and fish beside me. I felt as if I was a tiny critter on the ocean floor. If it weren't for this exhibit I wouldn't have noticed all the small details that crabs or starfish have, or even the giant eyes of the species of fish they showed. Without the exhibit showing giant creatures, I would have never caught those details about the species. It was so enjoyable to see the ocean from a different persepective. One that made me feel small and as if I was part of their ecosystem.
Nature and Ethics: This exhibit provided me the opportunity to see how people used to see the land with much more than just economic value. These people knew that without the land, they wouldn't be able to survive. The land gave them food, shelter, water, and everything they needed to survive. As I walked through the museum, I saw little groups of children on field trips all learning about our natural history. Maybe this is how they begin to learn to appreciate all the great wonders of the world by looking at fossils, butterflies, and everything else the museum offers. All the children were in awe with everything they saw. They were actually appreciating the world and history, it was adorable. They weren't seeing monetary value on anything, they were simply absorbing information. The museum allows visitors to connect with nature by providing a beautiful butterfly garden. You get to see plenty of magnificent butterfly species that you would have to travel to see in the wild. I saw people in the garden taking pictures and calling it all beautiful. They were truly connecting with the beauty and freedom of the butterflies in the garden. I've already known that the world around us worth more than just money. In the museum, I learned about Florida's history and hoped that everyone would learn that the world around us isn't for profit.
Nature and the Human Spirit: This exhibit contained many amazing fossils. This definitely made me think about and imagine the life way before humans. It made me wish I could time travel and see everything with my own eyes. All the colors, textures, and creatures of the time. It's amazing how every action of the past lead to the creatures we live with today. Evolution has lead to all the modernized creatures. They all seem to have shrunk. For example, the giant sloth that stood up taller than a house. Today's sloth is no bigger than a medium sized dog. It's such a mystery because people can only learn from fossils and things that they find. There's so much more for humans to learn, but they can't because there's nothing left behind for them to study. We are left to wonder and come up with theories.
Created By
Uma Blandon



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