The Story of My Sister From Memory

This is a story I am writing from my memory.

Once upon a time, I hosted a party to all friends and family. This was a baby shower, in anticipation of our first child, back in 2004. We invited a lot of people and were very busy welcoming the guests arriving for the party that morning.

In walked a wonderful couple, with a kid following them. We were very pleased to see them grace the occasion. The mom is my distant aunt. And the kid is my cousin - my baby sister. She liked the festivities around and stayed with me all through the party. She wouldn't leave me and followed me wherever I went. And she just helped - whatever I did.

She's Lasya - a baby girl then. A grown up, young and vibrant lady now. Saw her in pictures, after a long time, on her recent trip to India. I wish her the best and the brightest!!

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