Portfolio Project By: Alek NOwak

My Experience in Orchestra

My experience in Orchestra dates back to August of 2014, when I started playing the Cello. In September, I started private lessons, which is when I seriously got into Cello. In March of 2016, I went to the OMEA's, and got a perfect score. I am currently working on Sonata in C Major. I am in Honor's orchestra, and I plan on continuing my orchestra career in the future. My work resides here:


My Experience In Technology Applications

My experience in Technology Applications consists of several research assignments, a research project, and this portfolio project. This class teaches me how to research, present, and good presentation skills. I have done a research presentation about Steve Jobs, and have received a grade of 93%. On my all about something presentation, I did all about planes. Below is a collection of my work.


My Experience In Language Arts

In Language Arts this past year, we've been working on different decisions people need to make in their everyday lives, humor, and also learning about proper annotation. I have written several TIQA essays, and also a book presentation. In Language Arts, it is very important to use proper grammar, use capital letters, and punctuate, and this is something I strive to acheive in my work. My Language Art work resides below:


My Experience In Science

In Science, it is important to be very scientific when you are doing experiments. You need to be professional, and you need to be serious - no time for jokes. When I do scientific experiments, or collect data, I need to be as scientific as I can be. That's what I do when in science class. I make sure that the students around me and myself are doing work as professionally as possible. Here's my work in Science.


My Experience In Gym

It is very important to stay fit among the school day. Even though it is very easy to be lazy, and to not be fit. Even though I have six out of seven classes that I don't have any movement whatsoever, I still manage to get exercise during gym class. In gym class, we learn about proper health, exercises we can do, even away from the Gym!


My Experience in Math

In math class, we take a lot of quizzes, we do a lot of homework, and it is difficult to stay on top of all of this, but I have managed to do so. It is very important to have an extensive knowledge of mathematics. You really have to pay attention in math class, and it is important not to go off task. If you go off task, then that is when the problems begin. I have managed to keep a good grade in math. I have a common assessment today, and I am very well prepared.


My Experience in Social Studies

In Social Studies, we are currently learning about the American Revolution. This is important to know, because not everybody knows about that happened in The Revolution, and it is important to share this knowledge. I am very good in Social Studies, with a 93% Grade. I enjoy Social Studies, and we do a lot of work with papers, and also with our Chromebooks. We read a lot, and we write a lot. Here's my work.




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