Six Pillars of Character

Good morning class! Today we are going to learn about the six pillars of character. Can you guess what the six pillars are?

Let's take a look and see what the six pillars of character are!

Let's talk about how we can use the six pillars of character in our school!

Our first pillar of character is trustworthiness. Being honest and loyal are the key to being trustworthy. If you are trustworthy people know they can count on you.

Uh oh, you see your friend Macy stealing a cookie from Miss. Kitchen's cookie jar. What would you do?

Our next pillar of character is respect. Be polite and use good manners (especially in the lunch room). Make sure you treat others the way you would want to be treated.

Your friend, Max is sharing this cool story during show and tell. Brainstorm what you could do to show him respect.

Our next pillar of character is responsibility. Doing what you are expected to do. Being dependable and keeping your promises.

Miss. Kitchen gives you money to take to the office. What could you do to show you're responsible?

Our next pillar of character is fairness. In order to be fair make sure you take turns and share.

It's recess time! You and your friends want to play a game of kickball. What would be a few rules that would make the game fair for everyone?

Our next pillar of character is caring. Caring is all about showing you care. Be a friend that everyone wants to have.

Your friend, Liam is having a rough day. What are some ways you can think of to cheer him up and show him you care?

Our final pillar of character is citizenship. Citizenship is about making your community a better place to live.

What could we do as a class to be good school citizens?


Created with images by justine warrington - "school" • Unsplash - "pencil crayon colored"

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