The Greatest of these is Love... shara cunningham - february newsletter

"So now faith, hope, and love abide these three; but the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13 ESV

The love that our Heavenly Father has for us knows no bounds. Because of this everlasting love, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ gave up His life for all mankind. It is a love that boggles the mind, but it is a love to aspire to. Love is patient and is kind. Jesus asks us to imitate His love for us by asking us to love one another. "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another." (John 13:34 ESV) Our Father knows His children all to well, and despite our sin He still loves us. He embraces us because of Christ and strengthens us by His Word.

One in Christ

"Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." (Genesis 2:24 ESV) Early in February I was joined together in Christ with the one who God choose for me and me for him, Michael Osiro. We had a small, intimate and beautiful ceremony, just as we both always envisioned. God allowed our paths to cross at just the right time. Our friendship, relationship and love for each grew over the course of almost two years and just at the right time, before God we took our vows joining us together until death do us part. The one thing that Michael always says to me is that "we should put everything before God and allow Him to lead and guide us." I am thankful to God for a husband who loves the Lord.

A special day...

Jesus loves the little children...

"But Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven'." (Matthew 9:14 ESV) Jesus makes it clear that children have a place in the Kingdom. There are too many children in the world who are orphans, abandoned and not nurtured or loved as they ought to be.

It was a blessing to attend the dedication of the newest Project 24 boarding facility, Lenkishon. Project 24 is an initiative that was started between the LCMS Office of International Mission and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya (ELCK). This initiative provides school boarding facilities in Kenya that give vulnerable children the opportunity successfully to complete primary or secondary school education while living at a site, a home away from home. Each site provides a Christ-centered, loving, caring and safe environment.

The boarding facilities provide several services such as adequate lodging, meals, school fees and related school expenses, medical care, an appropriate play area, adult oversight, scholastic tutoring, emotional support and spiritual care. On school holidays, children are expected to return to their families, extended families or clans to foster family connections and to help develop their ancestral identities. There are five operational sites and the hope for 24 in the future.

What a wonderful day it was as the leadership and members of ELCK, staff from the LCMS East Africa Field Office, special guests from America, government officials and the local Maasai community gathered together to give a special blessing at the opening of the boarding facility. The bishops gathered together at the entrance of the building as the Massai women sang beautiful songs of praise. Each bishop shared a message then the ribbon was cut officially opening the Lenkishon boarding facility, home to 25 beautiful children. There were special gifts of computers, bibles and text books that were given to the children and a special time of fellowship between all who attended. What a joy it is to be part of the body of Christ. #witnessmercylifetogether

Dedication of P24 Lenkishon

Computers, text books and bibles presented to the children by P24 director

Rev. Shauen Trump cuts the ribbon official opening P24 Lenkishon

Everyone waits with excitement for the festivities to begin

Trying to capture some great moments...

Thank you for being part of this journey with me as I serve the Lord in Eastern and Southern Africa

Or you can send gifts to: Mission Central

40718 Highway E-16

Mapleton, IA 51034

Prayer and Praise

Pray for God's strength, guidance and wisdom as I serve in Eastern and Southern Africa.

Pray for God's mission in Eastern and Southern Africa and all of the missionaries serving there.

Ask God to help me be a strong Christian witness to many people.

Pray for me and Michael as we start our life together.

Pray for all of the children who are staying at the Project 24 boarding facilities.

Praise God for the opening of Project 24 Lenkishon.

Praise God for all of you and the love, support and encouragement that you give to me.

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