Taylor Mills: Exposition

Wide Shot of room showing books and paintings
LS of Taylor Mills painting
Medium shot of Mills painting
Close up of the brush touching the canvas
Close up of the brush showing hesitation
MS of his head turning side to side d
MCU of different colors
Close up
Close up
MS of him mixing both colors
Close up
Medium shot of analyzing artwork
MCU of analyzing and not being too happy
MS of sitting and hesitations to paint again
Medium close up of looking at the clock
Close up
MS of calling fri
Close up of friend not picking up
Medium shot starts to cook
Close up of food
MS calls friend again
MCU of facial expression as it happens
CU of friend not picking up
MS eating alone with just the painting
CU of facial expression ----MS of taking plates to the kitchen
MCU of leaving dishes in the sink
MS of how tense he is (zooms in) s
MS of turning around to look at the calendar
CU of calendar with date highlighted signifying graduation date

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