Human-Driven Global Warming Is Biggest Threat to Polar Bears, Report Says By Erica Goode

Summary of the Article: Scientists and government officials from the Fish and Wildlife Services have recently determined that the biggest threat currently to Polar Bears is climate change. They have warned that if no action is taken and no plan is created towards combating global climate change that polar bears will almost definitely disappear altogether from the polar arctic. This announcement from the Fish and Wildlife Services, called an conservation management plan, is required under the Endangered Species Act and depicts what should be done to help endangered species recover from and avoid total extinction. Polar Bears have been classified as endangered species since 2008. This announcement's biggest threat is world leaders, such as President's Trump, abhorrence towards curbing the use of fossil fuels.

Here's a Polar Bear that currently resides in Alaska.

Analysis of the Article: This article shows that Polar Bears face a very real and extremely devastating fate if is global fossil fuel emissions aren't reduced. If countries around the world were to partake in a global reduction of fossil fuel emissions that would immensely benefit the recovery of and prevention of the extinction of Polar Bears in polar arctics around the world. The article also shows that Polar Bears' biggest threat besides global climate change are leaders such as Donald Trump that won't consider reducing fossil fuel emissions.

Here are two polar bears that live in Alaska.

Video: The video above shows a mother polar bears and her cubs learn to walk and play in the snow.

Take Away: This article has showed that even though there are many less critical issues facing Polar Bears such as over hunting, increased conflict between Polar Bears and Humans and potential oil spills, the most pressing issue is dealing with climate change. If global leaders around the world stepped up to combat global fossil fuel emissions. By reducing fossil fuel emissions, people would enable Polar Bears and other endangered animals a better chance to recover and to avoid extinction. Reducing fossil fuels emissions not only benefits the millions of people on this Earth, but also the millions of species and endangered species.

A polar bear in the arctic clings onto an iceberg.


Created with images by USFWS Headquarters - "Polar bear with young, Arctic NWR" • Traveloscopy - "Ponant Alaska and Arctic voyages" • cheryl strahl - "Polar Bear Play Fighting-AK2015" • bacole87 - "polar bear bear arctic"

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