Tech Troubles Tech Tips

Whats wrong with my technology? Could it be a virus? Is my computer broken? Why is my WiFi not working?

Check out these great links to find out what you can do.

Quick Tips For Your Convenience

1. to copy text, you can highlight text and press the Ctrl + C

2. If you want to cut an item instead of copying it, press Ctrl + X

(Apple computer users can use the command (cmd) key Cmd + C)

3. Pressing Alt + Tab switches between open programs moving forward

4. Both the Ctrl + V and Shift + Insert will paste the text or object that's stored in the clipboard

5. Pressing Ctrl + Z will undo any change Pressing Ctrl + Y would redo the undo


Created with images by FredCintra - "Control is an Option to Command" • FirmBee - "office flowers apple"

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