Life Goals :) Maddy Fowler

Within the year I am aiming to be a better leader. I want to be able to guide people in the right direction and help them with whatever life throws in their face.

I want to have more friends within the year as well like I had when I was working. In my experience, having friends makes things a lot better for everyone.

I want to start being a healthier person this year so that it can help me achieve some of my other goals in life. I don't want to feel insecure the rest of my life.

The number one thing I am working towards this year is bettering my mental, physical, and emotional strength because I want to be more stable so I don't bring others down if I feel bad.

In 3 years from now I want to have a nice home of my own, even if it's just a little apartment. I also want a car, maybe not one so luxurious but something to get around. I want both of these things to show that I can be independent.

I also really want to be able to get paid doing what I love, which is singing and acting. I figure it would be beneficial to me to not only have fun doing what I like, but also the fact I get money to survive by doing it. With that money, I plan to buy a really big dog (preferably a husky, st. Bernard, or Samoyed.) I want a pet I can cuddle without it trying to plot my death like my cats do, but I also want more cats... Within three years I also plan to go to college, though I haven't decided where yet. I want to be a teacher.

Five years from now in 2022 I want to have gone places. Physically, that is. For instance, I've always wanted to go to Denmark just to get a vacation and see what it is like to live and be in another nation far from home in the U.S. I also want to go see Paris, because who doesn't dream of touring France? London, England is also a place I would enjoy visiting because I want to see what life styles are "normal" there. One of the last places I'd like to see is a bit closer to home, but not quite. I want to see Niagara falls in Canada. The scene just looks so beautiful there that I want to see what it is actually like in person. Despite physically wanting to go places, I also want to see myself become a teacher. Teachers are a big part of everyone's lives and I feel like teaching would be something I'm good at. Finally, by 2022 I want to see my little brother grow up to be a respectable member of society and for him to be in a better place then he is right now in life.


My first goal for when 2027 rolls around is to get married or at least be in a good relationship of some sort. I don't want to just settle down alone forever.

I want to have children by the time I am 27. Even if it's just one child or if I adopt or anything. I actually really enjoy children contrary to popular belief. :)

I want to see my nephews grow up into good students and friends. They don't deserve to have hard lives and I love all three of them to death. This is my sisters Michelle (left) and Shelby(right) with my nephews Ryan(left) and Tyler(right).

This is my sister Jessica with my last nephew, James.

I want to be financially stable when I'm 27. I don't want to live poor and working paycheck to paycheck. I want to use more money to do traveling then having to pay off debts.


Created with images by geralt - "fireworks rocket new year's day" • Wokandapix - "leadership word success" • DGlodowska - "raspberry fruits fresh" • sergei.tereschenko - "McDonnel Quote" • HomeToIndy - "Zionsville Indiana Home Tour" • esdomingos - "stage theatre of" • Nana-ne - "pet dog white" • Doug Kline - "Call of Duty XP 2011 - Call of Duty MW3 Jeep" • kevin dooley - "Arizona State University HDR" • photogeider - "london city united kingdom" • Pierre Phaneuf - "Den lille Havfrue (The Little Mermaid)" • mrsdkrebs - "2012-240 #6WordMission" • mguzmas - "tower france paris" • ataribravo99 - "niagara falls waterfall" • Olga0403 - "wedding ring happiness" • katgrigg - "Family" • martaposemuckel - "bank note euro bills"

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