genius hour making a game in scratch

first things first in scratch make a charecter so i made a toad e-man and 2 diamonds then i had to code them first i coded e-man so i made it so e man never stops walking down and then just drag him up do the same with toad then make it so the the diamonds disapere when they are touched so now just make the back round what you want

now hit play and just drag them up and its working right if its not go over the instructens again it will work probely.

making a game is hard isnt it it t

if you want the game better and toad spinning and there is a game over sighn then keep reading first make a new page on your project and make a sprite and make it look like a game over sigh here is one i made

now make the game over sprite grow 99 and put it in the new page and put the red picture on the diamonds then you are done with that and here is how the main screen should look

and make toad spin just add turn 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 and mthats what you do with toad and to make e man go fast just add the same steps over and over and over

and thats my project


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