Soles A Christmas Thank You Card

How can we thank you enough for your generosity at Christmas? We hope these smiles communicate just how beautiful your Christmas donation really was! Every prayer you prayed, and every dollar that you gave to these parties brought Christmas into the lives of these children.

More than 1000 impoverished and abandoned children in Ecuador received shoes this Christmas because of YOU!

Featured here: Christmas Party in an indigenous and impoverished area at a local school.

A team member from Victory Church deftly laces shoes before giving them away.

Matthew 25:40 NIV

"The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'

Each party was a little different, but games were an important part of each one. Here, we are playing at a ministry center that focuses on children at risk and children from the street.

Giving attention to every child is one of our goals. A large percentage of emotional delays in underprivileged children have been attributed to lack of eye contact, personal interaction and physical touch during their early developmental years. Our volunteers, teams, staff, and missionaries are all focused on making up for lost time with these kiddos!

So many styles, sizes and colors to give out. As each child comes to receive their shoes, we personally put the shoes on their feet to see if they fit. If they don't, we exchange them and bring a pair back that does fit the following week.

Thanks to many local donations in Quito, shoes were not the only gifts this year.

At every party, the children were fed a Christmas meal, given socks/shoes, and more. We celebrated with them and shared that Jesus came as a baby to give them abundant life.

While Jesus was our focus, even Papa Noel and an elf couldn't stay away from these celebrations!

Because of you, Christmas came to more than 1000 abandoned and impoverished kids in Ecuador!

You have been a blessing and we are so grateful!

Thank you for donating to the Christmas shoes fund.

We couldn't have celebrated with them in this beautiful way without you!

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