Gamer boys Edition Subscribe Snapchat: (in lowercase all of it) florizarRe2005

Hello fans. Time for me to tell you who i really am. My name is Chad and I have a partner with me. His name is Brycen. Usually I dont post when he is not here. I do the editing and the recording. This chanel was up since 2015. Our channel is 2 years old

Me and my partner do a lot of live streams. Also, i am going to tell you my editing sofwares. For most of the editing i use Photoshop premiere. When im on my iPhone i mostly use photoshop premiere clip and imovies. For my thumbnails i use for cumputer photoshop cs5 and for mobile i use photoshop mix and adobe spark post.

I have an example of one of my next video thumbnail that i did with spark post

Now here i was with a friend trying out my face censor but it was not the best video ever.

We do monthly or weekly videos but mostly in the week ends. Plz like and subscribe to my channel and comment for more!!!

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