Mt Thielsen Summer Summit 2016

September 16th, 2016, Rita Didi, Buck Nekkid, and myself, Skip Towne, made our way to Mount Thielsen with the ambition to reach the summit. We completely scored on the day as the conditions were perfect for a late summer climb; The temps were perfect and the summer crowds were gone.

Four miles in, we reached the junction of the PCT and the Mount Thielsen trail. This was a good stopping point for a break before the real work started.

Time for some quick pictures then off to the summit.

Sweeping views of Diamond Lake can be seen as we made our way up to Chicken Ledge.

Between us and the summit, we faced a crumbly sea of scree. The unstable ground made hiking and navigation challenging.

Buck makes his way through the field of scree.

After some minor bumps in navigation, we secured Chicken Ledge. This was another good stopping point for water and a quick bite before we started the 4th class climb.

No other parties on the peak and calm winds makes for perfect peak bagging conditions.

With just the final 40 feet to reach the summit pinnacle, we had almost reached our goal. It was quite airy up here.

With spirits high, we made ready to bag the peak
Buck and RIta prepare to climb
Buck makes his way toward the pinnacle
Rita finishes the final push

The conditions were perfect on the 9,182 foot summit. The wind was still, and we had the place to ourselves.

Group shot on the summit. Tight fit on the pinnacle.

After bagging the peak, we down-climbed back to the Chicken Ledge and started a fast descent to reach the car.

With no time to waste, we marched our way to the car.

Dropping down below timberline
The trail was quite luxurious
Farewell Mount Thielsen

With the climb complete, we headed our way home only to plot which mountain would be next to bag.

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