Northern Renaissance William Donohue

The Northern Renaissance

  • The Northern Renaissance occurred in Europe, North of the Alps.
  • The ideas of the Italian Renaissance highly influenced the Northern Renaissance.
  • It refers to art, architecture, and philosophy that took place outside of Italy.
  • Burer was

Durer the German Painter

  • Durer was a German painter, printmaker, mathematician, and theorist.
  • Durer is the first Western artist for who an entire era is named after.
Mona Lisa

Holbein the German Painter

  • The first half of his life was spent in Basel except for short intervals in Lucerne, Lombardy, and France.
  • He was an outstanding portrait and religious painter of the Northern Renaissance

Van Eyck the Flemish Painter

  • He used oil painting in his portraits and panel paintings.
  • In 1432, van Eyck painted "Adoration of the Lamb" and the altarpiece for the Church of St. Bavon, Ghent.
The David

Bruegel the Flemish Painter

  • He is well known for his paintings of peasants and landscapes.
  • He was often nicknamed Peasant Bruegel. He sometimes went to weddings and meals dresses like a poor peasant to get ideas for his paintings, and to better mingle with people.
Leonardo da Vinci designed this helicopter.

Erasmus the Christian Humanist

  • He was ordained priest of the Roman Catholic Church and studied at the University of Paris
  • Erasmus' influence began to be felt in Europe after 1500.
Sistine Chapel ceiling paintings.

More the Christian Humanist

  • He is the author of "Utopia," he was beheaded for opposing the religious policy of Henry VIII.
  • Thomas More exemplifies the political and spiritual upheaval of the Renaissance.
Christine de Pizan

Christine de Pizan

  • He is considered a pioneering feminist writer
  • He is one of the most notable women writers of medieval times.
  • He was born in Venice, Italy.


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