Nature and the Good Life Jeremy Parchment

Nature and the Human Spirit- Through entering the doors of the Nature exhibit at the Natural History Museum, I allowed myself to lock out all the distractions of the outside world and better connect and appreciate what nature has blessed us with. Through this I encountered a butterfly that reminded me of myself in several regards. This butterfly is the epitome of mystery and majesty. At first glance, this butterfly seems to be one thing on the outside -having outer wings of a dull black/brown color- but told an entirely different story - having light blue or the inner side of its wings- as soon as it spread its wings in preparation for flight.
Nature on Display- I found the stream particularly interesting because of the duality in emotions I experienced when I came across it. At first glance, having a body of water that supports life emitted this feeling of nature and life and how they both coexist. However, with a closer look at the stream, I started picking up on how uniform the stones at the bottom of the stream were and the artificial lights they had installed in the stream. This reiterated the idea that the true essence of nature cannot be created by humans.
Nature and Ethics- This display, in my opinion, is one of humans involuntarily existing as members of the biotic community, while still playing "conqueror of the land." I found this interesting because these lab technicians and researchers were behind a class case, almost as if they were intentionally placed there as one of the display organisms. Manly like myself were happy with the efforts of our fellow humans to slow down the extinction of much of our wildlife, that we ourselves initiated. Others simply think they have done enough and are completed disgusted at the fact that there are people who are still trying to play God.

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