Amsterdamming Part two: Head Noord

Across the IJ lies Amsterdam Noord, or North Amsterdam. Accessible easily by a free, short ferry ride behind Central Station, the area has become a creative hub with a distinctly funky, artistic vibe.

One of the most popular destinations in the area is the NDSM-Werf, located in a former shipyard. On my second day in the city, I hopped aboard one of the ferries and headed over to wander around. I wish I was able to explore more of the neighborhood, but you really need a bike to move around. Although, what I did see was filled with street art so I left happy. I also stopped by Plleck, a restaurant made out of old shipping containers with a beachfront for hanging out, for a drink and people watching before heading back to the center.

The next time I'm in Amsterdam, I'd like to rent a vintage bike from Velox Classic Bikes, visit the EYE Film Museum and try out a few more restaurants like Cafe De Ceuval and THT. There's also a huge monthly flea market held here, but I was a weekend too late. I highly recommend adding this off-the-beaten path area to your Amsterdam itinerary.

Caught taking a photo!


That tall crane-like structure in the background? It's the Faralda Crane Hotel.
Free-range chickens hanging out among the boxcars.
I can only imagine how packed (and fun) this place is on a warm weekend afternoon!
There's also a hotel on a boat--the Botel.

The end.

Up next: Prepare to be floral-ed

Created By
Mallory Brooks

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