Jamacia Adrienna albes

Jamacia Flag
Popular Foods: A plate of jerk chicken, with rice, plantains, carrots and green beans. Ackee and saltfish, national dish of Jamaica. Cassava cakes (Bammies) Callaloo originated in West Africa. Coco bread, sandwiching a Jamaican patty. Jamaican patties served with Red Stripe beer. My Recipe:http://www.foodbycountry.com/Germany-to-Japan/Jamaica.html
Holidays: Christmas Dec. 25, Boxing Day December 26, Independence Day Aug. 7, Emancipation Day Aug. 1, Labur Day may 23, Easter Monday April 17, Easter Day April 16, Good Friday April 14, Ash Wednesday March 1, New Years Holiday Jan. 2, New Years Day Jan. 1

Mountainous Carribian Island, it was discovered by Columbus in 1494. The British took over Jamacia in 1655 then it gained independence in 1962. Major transit point for South American enroute for cocaine to the US and Europe.

Population: 2,666,000 Life Expectancy: 75 years old Capital: Kingston. Exports: alumina, bauxite, sugar, bananas, and rum. Industry: tourism, bauxite, textiles, food processing. Agriculture: sugarcane, bananas, coffee, citrus, poultry. Languages: English and patois Religion: Protestant, Roman, Catholic
Dunna Rivers Falls, Dolfin Cove, Bob Marley Museum, Blue Mountains, White Witch of Rose Hall, Green Grotto Caves

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