Sharp Cards created by andrew and carlos


Hello, My name is Andrew. For this project, my partner Carlos and I have designed a set of playing cards with the theme of different types of weapons. The main focus of the theme are swords, throwing knives, and others such as cannons. My role for this project is to design the cards: Ace, Joker, 3 - 5, and 7-10. We spent a number of time and hard work in trying to fix the small details in the photos. Although there were some communication trouble such as time organization, we were still able to finish off our wonderful design. Hope you all enjoy it!


Andrew: Ace, Joker, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10


For this cards project, me and my partner, Andrew, decided to theme our playing cards as medieval weapons. We took this final decision because we found that medieval weapons are varied, and eye-catching. The cards that I produced were the King, Queen, Jester, two, and six. My king was represented by Excalibur, since it is the legendary sword that can only be wielded by the true king of England. As for the Queen, I did an axe, as it is usually depicted as a weapon of decapitation, thus being related to Bloody Mary, because she prosecuted many christian protestants and had them executed. For my Jester I made a mace, due to the fact that it is reckless and carefree-just like a jester. My number two is a battering ram. Number 6 was just 6 cannons firing at each other.

Price and Rewards:

1 pack-$10

2 packs- $17 (Get 2 packs and the joker can be a weapon of your choice)

Special offer -$30 (2 Packs with Designer's signature on each card + $20 IKEA Gift Card)

2nd Special Offer -$50 (Get 3 packs and 2 3D printed objects of a weapon of your choice)(no dangerous designs)


Another designer: Carlos Delgado.

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