
The Kilmer Library 2017-2018 Second Semester Report

The Librarians

Susanna Carey & Gretchen Hazlin

Landscape Perimeter Problem Solving with Math 8!

What we have been up to...

We shared about personalized self-paced review with Google apps at the Vanguard Committee's tech share fair in April.

A day in the life of the Kilmer library...

To advocate for school libraries on Twitter, we took part in #libraryhourbyhour.

220 classes taught across the curriculum this semester!

Highlights from Instruction

FACS7 students during their babysitting unit learned about various ages and development stage of children's milestones.

FACS7 students then shared their learning from the babysitting unit on the final day.

8th grade FACS students hard at work building their #BreakoutEDU games to apply their understanding during the babysitting unit.

Math 8 students were landscapers working through problems determining sod and fencing needs, figuring out area and perimeter!

History 7 students connected with artifacts, learning about both the home front and the battle fields of World War II!

More World War II artifact exploration with History 7!

Mrs. Thornblad’s classes reviewed documents and crafted strong evidence-based thesis statements in preparation for writing a Document-Based Question Essay.

A perfect way to spend Valentine’s day—sharing #booklove with students! Book Tasting with Mrs. Gordon’s English classes at Bistro 8100!

Practicing document analysis, asking “What’s the Scoop?” 7th grade history students work through #OPVL.

Data-driven “Navigation through Writing” stations with Mrs. Hansen’s English 8 students to prep for the writing SOL!

And, when the library is closed for testing, we take lessons to classrooms! “Navigation through Writing” stations with Mrs. Radja’s English 8 students!

Context clues with Mrs. Willis’ and Mrs. Radja’s English 7 students! Higher level thinking + hands-on activities + tech = 📈student learning & engagement

More CONTEXT CLUES with Mrs. Willis’ and Mrs. Radja’s English 7 students!

Science 8 students identify whether a statement is a hypothesis or not during Graphing Boot Camp!

Instructional Data

Please note: instruction was impacted by SOL testing closure in the library in March and May, and several snow days.

Library Numbers

Free Agents (non-class related visitors)

Keeping up with the library...

Created By
Susanna Carey


Created with images by geralt - "human google polaroid"

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