Mr. V's cottage by Jonathan

To begin the project I planned out how the cottage would look from the top. I started brainstorming ideas until I found one that would work for me. The dimensions were 10 by 10 meters with one bathroom, two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living room. I got everything together and started working.

View from top
This is the side view
View from front

Next the cottage that I made was put into Tinker cad to see how it would turn out and if coach V would like to use it for his new cottage. This is how the tinker cad cottage looked like

This is the front view
This is the back view
This is one of the side views
and this is the other
And this is the view from the top with and without the roof

But even though we had created a really nice cottage we had to find out the cost of the house. the cost of the roof costed 2099.14 euros. The paint for the outside of the house costed 80 euros. The cost for the heating for three months costed 1800 euros. In total the cottage costed 3979.14 euros.

I learnt how to use tinker cad better. I struggled at first with brainstorming ideas. Until I found the right one. Building my house on tinker cad was a struggle at first. I had no idea what I was doing. Now I feel like I can use tinker cad very well to make anything I want,

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