Red Dogo Review By Hunter

Red Dog (KoKo) is a film based upon the true events in Dampier, WA. The story revolves around a dog found on the middle of the road by a driver and taken to the town of Pilbara. The dog has no physical owner, a dog for everyone until an American man named John (Josh Lucas) comes along. At first John doesn't allow Red Dog in his bus, but after several attempts John finds Red Dog in a bar being challenged by the townspeople to eat dog food and once he quickly did that he was challenged with eating a live chicken. John has a fight with one of the bars people but Red Dog defends him and John unofficially owns Red Dog.

Red Dog statue in Dampier.

My favorite part of the movie is when Red Dog clears out a bus with his farts. It is unknown at the start of the scene that it was Red Dog who did it but that the bus had overheated and fumes and made their way into the bus but the scene cuts to Red Dog farting.

The story is told as flash backs through the words of the townspeople giving them their own personal movie, put together to tell of everyone's interactions. The townspeople also erect a statue of Red Dog in loving memory instead of William Damiper, the discover of Dampier.

Red Dog is an 1 hour and 32 minute Australian family movie for all ages sure to make you cry. I rate this movie 4/5.

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