Crying Baby Plan Katie Dunham

10 Questions to ask if your baby is crying

1. When is the last time you fed your baby?

2. Do they need to be burped?

3. Is the diaper dirty or wet?

4. Is the child too hot or cold? (food or baby)

5. Is the baby sick?

6. Does the baby need to be swaddled?

7. Does the child need attention?

8. When was the last time you bonded with the baby?

9. Is the baby uncomfortable?

10. Does the baby want to be rocked?

Ten things to help you sooth your child

1. Swaddling

2. Playing soothing music

3. Go for a walk with baby

4. Rock baby

5. Place in car seat and go for ride

6. Breast feeding

7. Skin to skin holding

8. Feeding

9. See if you've stressed or gave the child anxiety

10. Sucking ex) pacifier

10 Ways to help calm yourself down

1. Go outside and calm down

2. Taking several deep breaths

3. Counting

4. Washing your face or taking a shower

5. Exercise

6. Go for a walk

7. Go to support

8. Time is on your side

9. Yoga

10. Listen to music

5 People that can help to watch your child

1. A family member can help

2. Baby sitter

3. Neighbor

4. At a daycare

5. Nanny

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