Paris👠 The population of Paris is about 2,244 millions people. In this city, the laNguage is french and the average tempErature varied of -1,4 at 39,7.

🇳🇱Interesting things to see.🔒❤️

In paris, he has a lot of things to see like the pont des arts. This is a bridge whit many padlock put by the people in love. He has many interesting museum to see, musée du louvre, musée de l'orangerie, musée picasso. There is also the eiffel tower.

🚁Interesting things to do⛴

He has many things to do like l'open tour paris. This is a path by bus in the city of Paris. There is also a cruise on the seine, it is a cruise touristic on the parisian boats. There are helicopters to see the view from above of paris


Disneyland paris🎢🎡

Disneyland paris its a place with a lot mascot and a lot ride for fun. It was built in 1992. The children loves to go there. This is a family place.

Eiffel tower

This is a tower in iron built in 1887-1889. The people love the Eiffel Tower because its beautiful. There is many people who would see the Eiffel Tower in the heart of Paris. It measure 300 metres height and 125 metre of side.

Safety tips💵

When you are a visitor, you must let a lot of money in your room at your hotel for do not be done your money. Make a copy of its passport and leave the copy in your room at your hotel. Stay with your friend or your family in the city the night. Do not show your money to people if you don't know who is it.

Have a nice trip🍀


Created with images by marliese - "disneyland paris france leisure park"

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