Top 10 Cities in America

#10 Los Angeles, California

I would like to go to Los Angeles, California because I would like to see what it looks like to night . and I would like to stay in Los Angeles, California to stay in one of there HO-TALES.

# 9 Honolulu, Hawaii

I would like to go to Honolulu, Hawaii because it LOOKS pretty amazing to go swimming there or stay the night there . and go buy stuff there and get new CLothing there or maybe get a sun tan .

# 8 San Antonio, Texas

I would like to VISIT San Antonio, Texas because I thank it would be fun to get on a bout and sail off THROW the STREAM . and to go and see all the pretty lights at night and to try some of there food .

#7 Hershey, Pennsylvania

I would like to go to Hershey, Pennsylvania because I would like to VISIT every place IN THAT stat .and I would want to stay their over night so I could drive a round to see other PARTS of Hershey, Pennsylvania .

#6 Orlando, Florida

I would want to sail on a bout at night here In Orlando, Florida because It would look so BEAUTIFUL at night .and ot see the ocean in day time it would PROBABLY look really bright blue .

#5 Denver, Colorado

I would like to go to Denver, Colorado because I thank It would be a really amazing trip to do one day . and just 1 night I would stay the night .

#4 New Orleans, Louisianna

I would want to come to New Orleans, LOUISIANAN because I want to ride in one of there little CARTS so a HORSEs can carry me around to get places . and not only that my REAL mom's middle name is New LOUISIANAN.

#3 Anchorage, Alaska

I would like to come to Anchorage, Alaska because I want to clime the HILLS in to I foll DOWN because I am CLUMSY . and It would be so fun to play in the snow every day .

#2 New York City

I would like to go to new york city because it is a FAmous place for people to go to on VACATION. and this is one place I wanted ot live in when I was little .

#1 Las Vegas, Nevada

I would like to go to Las Vegas, Nevada because it would look very pretty at night . and I would love to live there on the weekends and take a car drive THROW the night .

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