Healthy lifestyle All about it

What is a healthy lifystyle?

A healthy lifestyle is a life in that one person makes it more healthy, so it improves the life(it makes it longer, easier, better and more active). We understand for healthy (in the case of one life) a life in that one person take care himself, for instance eating many healthy food or doing sports. There are many forms of take care our l

Which are the earnings of take care himself?

There are many earnings. The more common and important thing that improves your life is that it makes it longer. Also it makes it easir to do more things as time passes, for instance, whenyou will be older, you will be able to move better, even do some sports. You will be able to do many things while other people can´t do. In conclusion, your life will be happier and longer.

People like him have take care himself, so now he can do many things.

Which are the disadvantages?

The disadvantages of not have a healthy lifestyle are that with the passes of the time you will have more sufferings, your life expectancy will be shorter and you will can not do many things, also you will be able tobe all the time in a bed or in sofa, even in a hospital. People in this situations usually are in a bed, and more of the times they are in a bed of the hospital. One of them says that it is boring and tiring to be in the same situation for months, and more when he can´t do anything.

How can I have a healthy lifestyle?

In the past, you may have smoked. But if you want to satart a healthy lifestyle, you can start giving up smoking(if you have ever smoked) or doing some sports. The most recommendable sport in this case is runing. People usually run less than one kilometre, but you should do one and half or two for three days, but you should start with low distances.

Also you should satart with a healthy diet. If you don´t know how is a healthy diet, we can give you some examples, like eat one fruit and one vegetal for day, or eat eggs and much fish by the week, and some cereal, like bread and pasta, but you should visist a dietician.

This is a dietician.

Also we can say if you have eaten much fast food in the past, you have to stop. Yes, you can eat it sometimes, but it is recommendable to eat it once a week. Also, if yoi used to drink in the past, you have to stop.

Stop of drinking and smoking.

You should reduce your stresss and go to regular medical tests. It can help you to prevent many illness. Is true that investigations and developments in medical sciences are better in this years. But don´t forget that it is better to prevent than cure the illness.

Other thing that you can do is have a social life. There are experiments that says that if you don´t have social life some illness, more common the illness of the nervous system will be able to get worse, and you are social even you will can prevent this type of illness.

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