
Innovating Me Chayton Harley Davidson

Scroll through my year!

Journey of Self-Discovery

Using three assignments I narrowed down multiple lists to dig deep, and learn about myself for what seemed like to be the first time. First I narrowed down "What is Important to You" list, then "What Gets You Out of Bed?" list, and using my answers I was able to write about myself. So now when a stranger asks about me, I can easily and impact-fully tell them about myself.

What Makes Me Tick

This assignment allowed us to discover ourselves. For the assignment we were given four phrases to finish. I think people think I am... I am most myself when... I am unique because... and I am least myself when... After answering these questions many times, I really discovered who I was and also who I wanted to become. Following the sentences we created an art piece that showed the reality of us. I created a self-portrait that was layered in my life verse. The verse does not only show the truth I am trying to live, but also the story that I am trying to share.

How can you improve?

Notes from a seminar where we learned how to improve. From this seminar I learned a great quote " If your not struggling, then your not learning."

Who Are We

"Mind" Map

Learn Something New

We were challenged to take a week to learn a new skill. I chose to learn how to perform a flip throw-in. It is a skill used in Soccer to throw the ball in off of the sideline. I practiced everyday until I learned how to do it perfectly. I started off by learning how to do a front hand spring, and then progressed with the ball as time went on. And eventually, on the last day, at night, I finally performed the skill.

Through this project I learned that if you put your heart on something, you can do anything. I learned if you put in the work, anything is possible.

Community Partner

During the last portion of the semester I was partnered with the Fishers Fire Department. I worked With John Mehling, who is the head mediator for the department. We were faced with the challenge of creating a program to educate jr. high and high school students on fire safety. We also got asked to help them with their social media pages. I was attracted to this challenge because I believed that working with our fire department would be a great experience. I liked the thought of helping out our city. My group consisted of Rylen Meyer, Haleigh Grey, and me. We started to brainstorm in a meting with John, and we came up with multiple outrageous ideas. After multiple meetings we finally narrowed it down to our best two for the fire education portion, and our best two for the social media aspect. In our final proposal we met with John Mehling, as well as three others including the Chief of Fire for Fishers Indiana. Together we are implementing A fire Safety day in the Jr. High, A fire painting day for the high schoolers, and a series of videos that will be played following fire drills. All in which will be starting in the 2018-2019 school year. Also under review is an app we will be creating for the fire department. The creation of the app is being processed, and we will have a final date by the first of the year. I contributed in many aspects. I attended every meeting as well as I did a lot of work outside of the group. I created the story boards for the scripts, and helped design the app. I also got together all of the finalized ideas for the high school fire painting. I did not just help with ideas, and contribution, but I was also the head coordinator when scheduling meetings. I received a lot from this partnership. I learned great ways to set up a meeting and present an idea in a formal business format. I learned to be confident in what I was trying to show, regardless that I am just a kid. I also got to meet really cool people that I can now add to my list of contacts for the future. One struggle was creating time to meet with my partners. As a group we really struggled, due to our busy schedules. However, as time went on we became more flexible and started to meet during class. If I were to do this project over again I would set aside more time for me to work on it from the beginning. Overall it was a great experience, and I can not wait to continue my work with the Fishers Fire Department.

Picture of group members while filming for the videos.

This completes my first semester.


Created with images by xegxef - "light lamp electricity"

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