D, Gee Honors ARt III Portfolio

Project 1, "Larod"

This is my first project. This project was a dedication to my step brother, who passed away in 2011. The medium i used on this project was graphite. I had many obstacles in this project, because it was the first portrait i ever drew. I over came these obstacles with the help of my teacher, Mrs. Burwell. My first project took me about 3-4 weeks to complete. The Art 21 artist i chose, was Josiah McElheny . His art work was also about memory.

Puppet Collaboration "Greensboro 4" & "Mantis"

My role in the puppet collaboration project was to help recreate the scene for the "Greensboro 4". To recreate the scene, me and 3 others used tape to wrap our bodies with, to have a similar look of a human being. I also helped with the creation of Mantis. The trickster god is one the god puppets. My role was to help make the head of mantis, and to help paint mantis. Thanks to Donavan, making these puppets weren't as hard to make as they looked.

Project 3 "Larod's poem

My third project was about my step brother as well. The original medium for this project was supposed to be digital. But the medium changed to scratch art. This project wasn't finished because my mediums were changed continuously. The hand that was used in my project was a symbol of him reaching out. The art 21 artist that i used was Josiah McElheny. I used him for both, my 1st and 3rd project because his art work symbolizes memory, and memory is one subject i like to use in my art work.

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