Wayside School Ava Stowe

My book report is about Wayside School Gets a Little Stranger.It takes place in a 30 floored school.The main characters are Mrs. Jewles and her class.The problem is that strang things keep happening in the school. I can't be spasific about the problem because there is a new problem and kind of new story each chapter.It is a very funny and weird book but a really interesting story too.It has 30 floors and one classroom on each floor because they built it sideways for some odd reason and the people who built it said they were sorry. Mrs. Jewles class was on the 13 floor. My favorite part was when the counseler Mr. Pickle hypnotized Paul to make him not pull Leslie pigtails with a gold pickle.The teacher Mrs. Jewles has to leave school that year because she is having a baby so the class has to have a sub.First they had a sub Mr. Gorf the next sub they had was Mrs. Drazil. After a long time Mrs. Jewles came back and the class was the same again.

In the first book their teacher turned them into apples if they were bad and her name was Mrs. Gorf. Mr. Gorfś mom got turned into an apple so he tried to take away the kidś moms because they took away his.


Created with images by justine warrington - "school" • jarmoluk - "apple education school"

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