The Enjoyments of Softball By: Miranda Habshi

What do I need?

For softball, you need equipment to play with and keep you safe. The first and most important is the ball! You can use it to tag the other team and you will find out more about this in Rules. Another piece of equipment is key… The bat! You go up to the home plate and hit the ball. Again, you can learn more about it in Rule. The next thing you need is also very important, the helmet. Make sure that your helmet has a fence around it. A fence is really just like a fence around the helmet to keep the ball out. You use this when you bat. It ensures (make sure) that if the ball hits you, it won't hurt you. It could save you from some serious injuries. Another very important piece of equipment is a glove. With a glove, you can get your opponents (the team you play against) out and stop them from winning. One last thing you need is a place to play! You can play in a lot of places, like your backyard to a professional (like a profession) baseball/softball field! Make sure you have an dugout (where you wait to bat) or a good substitute. (someone or something filling in for something else) Now that you have everything and you know what it is for, Let's Play Ball!!!

Here is a bat, helmet, and ball

Break the rules I break you!!!

You are going to know the rules to play the game! You must follow these rules! There is two places to be. You are either in the field or batting. (Technically three if you count waiting to bat.) Let's start with the rules for batting. To bat, you must go to home plate with your bat and helmet on you're head. The pitcher will throw a ball at you and you must hit the ball with the bat. You should have a coach, or a person to teach you. Once you hit the ball (you have only three tries!) then you run over to first base! One of your teammates will be up to bat now. If he/she hits the ball, you run to the next base. There is an special exception to this rule called stealing. (Stealing means to run to an base before the ball is hit) It is very complicated (complex) so you will not read about it just yet. You run to as many bases as you can. You're goal is to get back to home plate. You get a run, or point, when you get to home. Once the people on the field get the ball, they can get you out. If they tag you with the ball or the base you are near, you will have to go back to the dugout (or whatever space you are using) and it is not good because you team is farther from home plate. When you're team is out three times, you switch. Now it is your turn to field! There is many positions on the field. The positions (where someone has been put or located) are 1st base, 2nd base, shortstop, 3rd base, pitcher and outfield. I will not go into this too deeply. You will need a coach, or someone to teach you how to do it. Let's start with infield. (1, 2, 3 base, shortstop, pitcher) All you have to do is get the runners out. To get the runners out is you have to catch the ball and tag them or the base they are near. Another way to get them out is catching an pop fly. A pop fly is where the ball ¨flies¨ up and you catch it in the air. But if you drop it it does not count! Outfield (a position) is to catch the ball if it gets past the infielders you catch it and you bring it back to the infielders to get the runner out. Now you know the rules of the game!

The Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Defeat

Now that you know the rules of softball, you can play the game! Make sure before you do anything, let you coach know. Something important is trying to pitch so they can help you etc. Try to play for your school team. (If you have one.) Winning is more fun than losing! You can compete, ( to play against another team)in tournaments. Ask an adult to help our team. Remember to have fun and keep trying! Never give up!

Where is Everyone?

You are going to need a team! To play a real game you need equal amount of players on each team. But you don't need a team if you just want to play for fun. Most teams have nine players. Make sure that everybody knows how to play!Everybody plays an position. Although someone might have to stay in the dugout if there is not enough positions. I strongly suggest to ask an adult to help you and to act as coach. Now you're ready to play!

Softball can develop teamwork and even life long friendships!


Now that you know how to play, have fun and remember to keep practicing! Keep trying!

Dont give up!!!


Created with images by cherylholt - "softball player girl" • AliHanlon - "Fall softball is the Best" • - "Silex vs Cairo, State Championship"

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