Life in the Islamic World By: michelle villegAs

A mosque is a Muslim house of worship

A bazaar is a market place.

An astrolabe is a tool that helps sailors navigate by the positions of the stars

To confirm is to prove that something is true

A minaret is the tower of a mosque from which Muslims are called to prayer.

To publish is to produce the work of an author, usually in print

The Muslims wrote a non-religious literature as well called The Thousand and One Nights

Muslims also made contributions in mathematics

From the 700s and 1400s scholars in Muslim lands preserved learning of the ancient world

People in the Muslim world were divided into social groups based on their power and wealth.


Created with images by blogger.penajam - "DSC00727" • rakugo - "Mosque" • D-Stanley - "Samawah Bazaar" • lewing - "astrolabe" • geralt - "feedback confirming board" • Hans - "minaret tower mosque" • fdecomite - "Published"

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