Father By: Aaron nelson

According to Merriam-Webster…


(n) A man who has begotten a child.

Middle English fader, from Old English fæder; akin to Old High German fater father, Latin pater, Greek patēr

First Known Use: before 12th century

My definition of the word “father” is way more than just a man who has a child. A father to me is a man of wisdom; the knower of all if you will. He is someone who knows all the answers to your questions. He can solve any of your problems just by telling him what they are. You could give this man the hardest math problem in the world and he would do his best to figure it out.

A father is someone who will never give up on you. He will be there at your highest points of your life to celebrate your joy. He will also be there at your lowest points to comfort your sorrows. He will help guide you in the direction of success. He will push you beyond your limits to make you stronger.

A father is someone who is the one cheering his head off on the sidelines of your game. He is the one right by your side as you learn how to ride a bike. He is the one who helps you build your first model car or dollhouse. He is the one who will take you on bike rides to the park. He is the one who is proud to call you his son or daughter. He is your number one fan. He is the one who will do anything for you.

A father is someone who will always care for you. He is the one who is always checking up on you when you are away from home. He is the one who gives you the biggest hug after you come home from being away for so long. He is the one who teaches you how to tie your shoes. He is the one who lets you help him mow the lawn. He is the one who lets you help change the oil on the car. He is the one who helps you with your schooling. He is the one who will be there when you throw your hat on graduation day. He is the one who will cry at your wedding.

A dad is someone you are proud to call “dad.” He is all of the things listed above but he is not your biological father. A dad is someone who treats you like his own but you are far from that. A father is someone who you have no control of. You do not get to choose who your father will be. But that does not make him your dad.

Works Cited

“Father.” Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/father#h1


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