Foot And Leg Therapy By Hephaestus


Our CEO's employes consist of his wife ( Aphrodite ) as his secretary, his mom ( Hera ) as his CFO, and his daughter ( Thalia ) as his training professional.

Origin of the idea.

Hephaestus came up with his idea for a therapy center after he was thrown from Olympus because he had a lame leg. So, he wants to help people with the same problem.
Hephaestus is the god of metalworking, fire, and volcanoes. However, after being stuck in the forge, he wanted to switch it up and help people other than the gods. And that's just the idea he needed.
So after creating Hephaestus's Hammer Workout Therapy Center, he got to work on creating his enterprise for the mortals.
So after one day of construction (He is the god of metalworking) our beloved CEO created his therapy center.


Created with images by andrewmalone - "Converse footprint" • DeclanTM - "Desk (Noted)" • PublicDomainPictures - "tie necktie coat" • gksayaan22 - "suit tie men" • Pexels - "action adult checkered shirt" • Foto-Rabe - "horseshoe glow blacksmith" • 15299 - "construction under construction unfinished" • D-Stanley - "City Administration Building"

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