TV Production Unit JEREMy wong

Hi, In the AFP TV Production Unit, I play the role as a director. In this portfolio I am going to be explaining the process of what it took me and my team to get to the final product.

Job Application

1st. Before we even gathered together in our groups chosen by our teachers, we had to write our job applications. Here is my job application:

In this job application I did well on displaying my skills and attributes, however my language was a bit too aggressive to the reader. Making this job application, I have learned the style and mood I would want to set. I also learned how to show-off my experience and skills in a polite and formal manner.

What do I do as a director?

As a director, one my roles is to write the script and manage the production team on set and outside of the set. As a director, I am also partially responsible on making the show entertaining by giving advice to the presenter and using creative ideas in my script.

Textual Analysis on a TV Make

I am going to be analyzing an episode of Blue Peters, a make show. It is an episode on making pizza cupcakes. I am going to be analyzing on how it appeals and interests the audience.


One of the main features of this TV Make is the set design. With lots of different shapes and colors, it instantly catches the eyes of the audience and give the show a happy and fun mood. The main blue colors of the set also advertises the show, It is also good if someone arrives late to see the show because by seeing the set they already know it is The Blue Peter Show. The design of the set is mainly designed to appeal to kids and young teenagers at around 6 - 13 years old.


The set keeps things organized to keep the flow of the show (e.g. Making completed examples of the make). This means that the presenter and the guest do not need to take a long time trying to make the steps to the product like baking the dough in the oven. Keeping the flow of the show is really important because it could ruin the time the show takes and could bore the audience out as you are figuring things out as the camera is rolling.

Making completed examples of the make is also good for the audience. Having a completed example gives the audience trying to make the pizza cupcake an idea for what they are looking for, allowing them to realize if something is going wrong or not when they are making it..


The TV Make uses an intro showing their logo. This allows Blue Peter to tell the audience that it is in fact Blue Peter broadcasting.

Blue Peter uses this page as the outro. This allows the audience to go on the TV Channels youtube channel. This is good for the TV Channel, giving them more views making them more popular on youtube.

In this TV Make they used graphics. For example how they showed a list of ingredients needed. They used a lot of animations around the list to make a fun cooking theme. Such as making the background look like a chopping board with eggs, a whisk and icing funnels.


In this TV Make, there are 2 presenters. 1 leader which is Raphael (Man on the right) who knows how to make the pizza cupcakes, The other presenter is supporting the leading presenter making everything clear and fun for the audience. In this make both of the presenters are demonstrating how to make the product. The presenters in this make are wearing white casual shirts with blue peter aprons. This outfit makes the audience more comfortable and relaxed on taking in the information. The outfits also give an impression of a clean environment and also stands out from the background.


The tone of delivery by the presenters sets the majority of the mood. By using a high and clear voice, it sets the mood to a happy, relaxed and fun show. By doing this, the audience is more engaged and has a more pleasant time watching the make.

The style of language is like a normal conversation with your friends, making it very casual. This ensures the engagement of the target audience as this is the most used type of language in their everyday life, making it easier and faster to follow along. Some language used also persuades and encourages the audience to follow along and try the make themselves by using language that indirectly compliments the make such as "oooo that looks good!" or "this is so much fun!".


In this TV Make, the set used a variety of shots but there were two main shots that were predominantly used : close up and medium shot.

MEDIUM SHOT - The medium shot is one of the two main shots. The medium shot was mainly used to get the faces of the presenters and engage the audience as well as getting information across like the presenters are talking to you. The medium shot was also used to shoot the overall scene. To show all the ingredients, equipment and what they are doing.

CLOSE UP - The close up is also one of the two main shots. The close up is usually used for the make and how to make it. The close up is good for showing the audience how to make the product because you are able to see more clear how to make it.

EXTREME CLOSE UP - The extreme close up is sometimes used. It is used to look at the small details of the make if there is anything unable to see with a normal close up. Using extreme close - ups on the details is also a good technique to catch the audience because the audience feels like the food is right in front of them making them wanting to eat it


This is the layout of the set for this make:


In order to keep the make in the time frame, the show premade the make in order to be able to squeeze the steps into the limited time frame. The make is actually only separated into 4 steps, making it even easier and more flexible. The 4 steps are indicated and transitioned by the presenter's saying something like "OK! On to the next step". This makes it easier for the audience to follow the steps of the make.

Distribution and Reception of "Arrow"

"Arrow" is a TV Show that talks about a billionaire Oliver Queen who was involved in a boat accident and got stranded on an island. After 5 Years he hides the ways the experience has changed him. As he reconnects with those closest to him, including his sister, Thea, Oliver appears to be the same wealthy, carefree bachelor they've always known. At night, flanked by his devoted friend, Diggle, Oliver uses his secret persona that of a vigilante to right societal wrongs and transform the city to its former glory.


"Arrow" is really popular because it is frequently shown on companies that spread TV shows and Movies (e.g. Netflix). Having "Arrow" on Netflix means that millions of people are able to see "Arrow" at any time at any place making it more advertise able by just having people maybe watching it in the public in a restaurant. "Arrow" also has a Facebook, Instagram and Twitter page. Using these websites, it makes it easy to connect and attract millennials to watch the TV Program.


"Arrow" is also really popular TV program because of it's fan base. Especially when the TV program is aiming at millennials where a lot of their free time is spent on the internet. This is why the TV program has so many fan base pages and websites on Twitter, Facebook and self made websites. The content on these pages and websites are fan bases that talk about rumors and peoples thoughts on what is going to happen next. This allows people to be writing fan fictions which leads to a more active fan base. Which means that the fan bases are in a participatory culture which increases the chance of spreading popularity.

Participatory Culture / Theories

Why does "Arrow" have so many fan bases that talk about rumors and peoples thoughts on what is going to happen next ?

I think that this is because in every episode "Arrow" the makers uses a theory called mean world syndrome in order to get the audience thinking after watching an episode. Mean world syndrome means that the content shown to the audience makes the audience feel like everything in the world is bad and dangerous. The TV Show also likes cultivating anxiety into the audience getting the audience anxious about what is going to happen next.

"Arrow"'s a large fan base also applies to the uses and gratification theory, where the audience actively uses the media instead of passively. This is because "Arrow" fits in well with this theory because a large chunk of the community are people who look for a diversion of our everyday lives.

Our Make

As a director of the production, making the script was one of my roles. Here in this script I have learned a new format. Using a table to present which words are for which shots. Using this format I have also learned new words and letters to describe a shot (e.g. Close up = CU, Medium close up on make = MCU MAKE).

Here is the script I wrote:

Another part of my role is to communicate and connect the team together. In this process I have learned how to communicate clearly specifically and also bringing some fun into the making of the TV Make.

Here is our rehearsal footage behind the scenes, showing the positioning and how the set looks like

This video is our final make. Hope you enjoy :)

Distribution Possibilities

For my teams TV Make, to ensure that our program reaches our target audience we would post it on YouTube. Since our target audience is teenagers, we would also post it on Facebook, Instagram and maybe advertise it on Snapchat. However we would focus on advertising more on Instagram and Snapchat since qualitative data has shown that these 2 social media forms are most popular among our age as Facebook is starting to 'fall'.

Production Report

Overall I think that the TV production went well. There was no problem in the communication. We had all our ideas together and we prepared well. Our pre production work was really good. There were no errors in the control room on set. However there were some mistakes. At one point the cameramen were not aware that their camera was on screen so the shot was blurry. Another point was that the presenter forgot his lines and went off the script so everybody was confused and didn't know what shot to go to. Other than these 2 points I think that the TV Production went well.

Jeremy Wong


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