English and Engineers By Jake Shelmerdine

Writing is not a strong point for engineers, and on the job they will only have write technical papers. Technical writing is different than traditional writing, and the engineering curriculum should address it.

Writing is very stressful for engineers, they are more technically minded. The writing that they will do on the job is designed for that.
I propose that the Provost of Liberty University should create a class that addresses technical writing, aand it should replace ENGL 102 in the engineering curriculum. This class could become a whole new class or have technical writing added to the ENGR 270 class.

If engineers do not know how to technically write, it can cause property damage.

People can be put in harms way.

Also, huge financial losses are possible.

If Liberty Engineers know how to write their technical papers properly, they will be better prepared to enter the field after graduation.
If engineers are better at their jobs, they can better society. And, better help solve the problems facing society today, which is the primary job of engineers.


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