Ophiceramics (Snake Pottery and Sculptures)

Ophiceramics is an original business created by Medusa Gorgon. It features sculptures and pottery pieces of snakes and serpents.
Medusa Gorgon used to have snakes for hair and a gaze which could turn any mortal to stone. She used this on snakes and inspired an idea for a business. Fortunately, she has recently gone through surgery, removing the stone stare and snakes. Her business is still around, but it uses traditional methods of sculpture instead.
Medusa is our CEO. Her sister, Sthenno Gorgon, makes the clay, and her other sister, Euryale Gorgon, is our best sculptor. Despite being the only mortal sister, Medusa has proven to be the most successful. Her parents, Phorkys and Ceto, are the sales managers, her colt Pegasus transports the sculptures, and her son Chrysaor is the bookkeeper.
Although many people use Medusa's severed head as a symbol, our business logo is a snake coiled in an "O" shape, for Ophiceramics.
So if you enjoy snakes and fancy sculptures and pottery, come buy our products here at Ophiceramics!


Created with images by Brent Schneeman - "Serpent" • Tim Pierce - "sea monster" • markoknuutila - "Green mamba" • sipa - "snake eye corn snake" • Mark Morgan Trinidad B - "Coiled Snake Fabric Design Mexico City(171)" • Fæ - "Cover with Snakes LACMA M.75.62.32"

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