The story of a bird named Bailey. the simple story of a girl and a bird

For some it's a dog, for some it's a cat, for me, it's a grey cockatiel named Bailey

Growing up in a small apartment, I've learned to find companionship in the oddest of pets. We never had a dog or a cat growing up, so I had fish, I had lizards, hermit crabs shared space in our living room. After test driving pets of land and sea, we took to finding a winged friend. When I was a kid we got our first bird, named Pearly. This however, is not her story.

This is the story of Bailey.

A friendship in the works

December of 2016 was a chaotic month, trying to finish up finals, figure out Christmas presents all while trying to remain sane. My mom mentioned that she wanted to get me a bird because after Pearly died, I have always wanted another one. HOWEVER she mentioned not to get my hopes up because the overall household consensus seemed to be against a new bird because they assumed I wouldn't care for it. I ignored my family's assumptions and asked to make a pit stop on the way home from a long day of final exams. I asked to go to Bird Jungle, where feathered friends are made.

love at first sight

I won't say I found Bailey, I'd say she found me, she hopped on my hand, then my up my arm, then to my neck and that's where she nestled herself. After about 10 minutes of this I turned to my mom and I told her this was happening. I was "adulting", I was buying myself a pet because even adults could use a friend. She obliged because I know deep down she wanted her as much as I did. I was sworn to secrecy for a few weeks before Bailey's arrival home, I was told not to tell my brothers or my dad.

I stayed tight lipped as I bought cage essentials, new toys and perches. Inside I was giggling with excitement because I knew my little baby was coming home soon. A few days before she came home, I went into my dad's room and showed him her picture and said "Hey dad I bought this bird and she comes home soon." I darted out of the room before he could reply. Once everyone was in the loop the naming process commenced. She may be my bird but if no one had a say in it...her name would be Nugget but that would be a whole other story.

1st day home and out of the cage

The arrival

The day finally came to take her home, December 23rd. The 1st 48 hours were full of nervous energy and one very skittish bird, anytime we would approach her we were greeted with bites and hisses. But then Christmas morning came and it seemed like a Christmas miracle, ya know if you believe in things of that nature, but Bailey's demeanor changed. Bailey had finally warmed up to us enough to hop out of the cage and she now seemed almost eager to explore her new home.

Where are we now?

Bailey has been with me now, for a full month. One full month of getting to know one another and learning to navigate life a little bit differently. I now know that when I eat a snack I can no longer eat it in peace.

Enjoying some carrots!

My mornings are no longer the same either, the second I say anything, it's followed by Bailey's chirps and squeaks which is her way of begging to come out.

The end.

Bailey is proof that companionship can be found in even the smallest of bodies. There's not much else to say about our story because it is still being written as time goes on.

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