Time Management And how to master it.

How often are you rushing to finish your work, especially right before it's due?

Well lucky for you, you're here! Why is that so good? We are going to show you ways on how to manage your time and what the overall benefits are.

Checklists always help!

You want to find a place where you can write down everything you need to accomplish for the day. This can range from your homework to your after school activities. This helps you to remember what your priorities are instead of forgetting important deadlines. Try listing the more urgent matters first to make sure you complete each goal on time.

Places to keep track of your stuff

  • Planner
  • Apps (such as MyHomework)
  • Bullet Planner

Keep track of time!

Be aware of how long certain subjects will take. Always try to start ahead of time instead of procrastinating to avoid sleepless nights. Get your beauty sleep! Studies show that an average high school student should get at least 7-8 hours of sleep everyday. If you finish your work on a timely schedule, you will have enough free time to do the things you actually enjoy. Finish (at least try) your tasks as soon as you get home so that you don't have to worry about it later. Managing your time can be hard at first, but once you develop a somewhat schedule that works for you, LIFE WILL BE EASIER!

Stay organized!

Being organized, especially in school, can help you save more time and be more efficient overall. This way, you won't have to spend time trying to find something in the midst of all the clutter instead of finishing your tasks. The time you spend looking for something all adds up in the end, and before you know it, you've wasted an hour of your time! Staying organized can dramatically cut this time because you already know where everything is.

Here are some ways you can stay organized

  • Keep your desk clear everyday
  • Pack your bag the night before so you're not rushing in the morning
  • Have a place where you create a checklist for all the tasks you have to accomplish for the day

Be less stressed!

We all know the feeling of being stressed. Luckily, there are ways to prevent it all together. For example, DO NOT over-commit yourself and don't hesitate to say 'NO' if the load is too much. People often overestimate what they can get done, so make sure there's enough free time for you to relax and reduce stress. Time management is not about cramming everything in, it's about using time more efficiently.

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