Dante's Journey through circles 7-8 Suryanshu Kommoju, Jakob Hemmerich, Ariel Chien, Collin Johnson

After their encounters with the Minotaur and Alexander the Great, Virgil leads Dante to the Woods of the Suicides.

  • Circle 7: Round 2
  • After their encounters with the Minotaur and Alexander the Great, Virgil leads Dante to the Woods of the Suicides.
  • Harpies
  • Were in Virgil’s Aeneid
  • Had faces of malign women, and were typically associated with the Furies
  • Pierre Della Vigne, the Soul embedded in a Tree in the Woods of Suicides
  • “Then, unjustly blamed, my soul, in scorn in death made me at last, though just, unjust to myself (XIII.69-72.)” Pierre is an example of great and moral men can end up in hell through sorrow and despair. This demonstrates Dante’s understanding and growth in knowledge that even the good can be condemned by misunderstanding.
  • Major Character
  • Encompasses the main reason for this specific Bolgia (kills himself)
  • Jacomo da Sant’Andrea, Lano da Siena and the Hellhounds
  • A famous Squanderers and Destroyer of Goods
  • Dante’s journey developed by...
  • How Dante progresses in his understanding of hell throughout your realm: He is introduce to the idea of indiscriminante damnation throughout the circles of Hell
  • Dante and Virgil’s journey through the circle-and any feelings either of them have: Throughout the 7th circle,
  • The sin, and symbolic retribution of that sin, with explanation for your audience
  • Circle 8
  • Jason
  • Leader of Argonauts
  • Had seduced Hypsipyle, then deserted her to continue his adventures after obtaining the Colchian Ram (The Golden Fleece)
  • Pope Nicholas III
  • Simoniac
  • Sold Church position of Pope to Boniface
  • “Gold and silver are the gods [Pope Nicholas III adores!] In what are you different from the idolator, save that he worships one [god,] and [Pope Nicholas III] a score [of gods?] (XIX.106-108)” As Dante ventures through the 8th circle, he comes across Pope Nicholas III. In the Inferno, the Pope is characterized as a greedy man that used his position in the church to gain wealth. However, Dante the writer seemed to convey his opinion on the simoniacs, as well as his views and beliefs of keeping the church politics-free, and politics vice-versa. This is shown by Dante’s depiction of corrupt religious figures.
  • Horned Demons
  • Venedico Caccianemico of Bologna
  • Lust for Marquis of Este’s sister Ghisolabella
  • Dante and Virgil’s journey through the circle-and any feelings either of them have
  • How does Dante progresses in his understanding of hell throughout your realm?
  • The sin, and symbolic retribution of that sin, with explanation for your audience
  • Circle 8: Bolgia 4
  • Teiresias
  • Ancient Greek blind prophet that was in Oedipus Rex, where he warned Oedipus
  • How does Dante progresses in his understanding of hell throughout your realm?
  • Dante and Virgil’s journey through the circle-and any feelings either of them have
  • The sin, and symbolic retribution of that sin, with explanation for your audience

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