Rome The story Of rome

A long time ago there was a king who lived in Italy. He had a unger brother who was jealous so thay had a fight the unger brother won the unger brother cume the king.

Rhea was the king's dorta. The king told Rhea that she can't have babby's but Rhea had twins whth the god of mars.

Rhea fel in love with mars the roman god of war.

The king was mad sow he asct a srvent to fro them in the rivu tiber the servunt fellt bad sow he poot them in abascit

Lukuly a she wolf cam and rasdm
A shepher took the twins home and gith the twins to the shepher wife she colde them Romuls and Remus. Thay wantd to be shepher like thea dad.
Romulus and Remus had a fight with the kings shepherds.

Remus got cout and romulus kilde the king and racyoud Remus.

So thay had a

Romulus bilt rome with 3,300 gards and the romens wastid for a 1,000 years

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