Law Enforcement Mental Health Issues By: DAKOTA

As you already know, Police and Local Sheriff Departments are very dangerous jobs. These men and women put there lives on the line everyday to protect the everyday citizen. With that comes a very strong mind from every individual that is apart of our Nations Law Enforcement. There are also instances when individuals who have encountered situations that are vulgar and violent that can cause mental and emotional Trauma that can be very unbearable to many. With our Military soldiers and our Nations Officers possibly going through tough periods, it gives signs of Traumatic causes to come.

A study journal done by Arizona State School of Behavioral and Social Sciences conducted a preliminary investigation over 17 Male Officers and there wives that completed daily stress diaries for 1 week and then took place in Laboratory based discussions about those days. Conversations were also recorded to measure attitudes and emotional effects that were taking place. When the officers reported more job stress they were less honest and less affectionate. It also showed that steps were taken to help buffer the stress from the marriages. This finding shows that Police Marriages are being affected by the stress that the job puts on men and women of our Nation.

Mental Health risks increase dramatically when men and women who are on the frontlines of our Law Enforcement experience things that can leave an impact that can cause fear. A newspaper source provided by Anna Patty said that police officers that can no longer cope with the events or drama that takes place on the job should be eligible for desk jobs away from action. If officers are able to pursue these desk jobs then that decreases the chance for suicide and other harmful thoughts. The article also stated that Clinical Psychologist Stephen Heydt said that offices were churning out police every year knowing that they couldn't handle the pressure of the job. Mr. Heydt suggests that police officers should be rotated in and out of frontline duties.

With events that happen in our society today that can be very vulgar and contain things that no human should ever see. PTSD is a widely spreading topic that is affecting our nations protectors. The Associated press released a article after a bill was taken to office to help Police officers treat PTSD. During a meeting over the purposed bill, many police officers shed tears for hoe there own personal experiences are causing them stress mentally that in result is affecting there own physical health. The officers testified that there job relationships were ruined do to the impact of on job situations. The Bill was passed.

Our Nations protectors go through very difficult situations that majority of the world will never know what actually took place. I am part of a Law Enforcement family and I have seen what things can to to a human that should never have happened. With all this being said we as Citizens of the United States should be thankful for what these great people do and should stop them and say thank you. Its a simple source of appreciation, but it goes a ver long way.


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