Information Technology Pathway Mrs. Eichler

Courses in Pathway

Principles of Information Technology : 25 students

Business, Marketing, and Finance : 17 students

Digital Media: 16 students

Web Technologies: 15 students

Business Professionals of America

Membership for 2016-2017

Students getting ready for Region Competition

We have 28 paid BPA Members this year. At our first competitive event we had 17 students compete at the Region Leadership Conference, January 14, 2017. Out of those students we will take 15 to the State Leadership Conference March 1-4, 2017 in Dallas.

Field Trip to IT Symposium

Students at Texas State University in San Marcos

Student could pick from several mini sessions about degrees in IT at Texas State University.

The Art Institute of Austin

Mr. Yancey showing our students the different degrees they offer and what students can do with the degree.

Student Certifications for 2017

Business, Marketing & Finance - Express Employment Professionals Career Preparedness Certification (2013 version)

Principles of Information Technology - OPAC Windows, Microsoft Word Basic, and Microsoft Excel Basic.

Job Shadowing

Robert Zoch, the owner of Zoch Net has offered to allow students in their senior year to job shadow in the area of Internet installation through their company.

Lexington IT CTE Advisory Members

Darin Hawley - Applied Materials

Brynn Spillar - Hewlett Packard

BPA Fundraiser

Our primary fundraiser is working with Papa John's mobile kitchen. This helps offset the cost of competing and attending our Leadership conferences. Papa John's comes once in the Fall and once in the Spring.

Set your calendar for April 26, 2017, the night of the showcase of learning for LES and LMS. They will be located in the high school parking lot by the football field 3:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m.

Our future goal is to offer a scholarship to a BPA seniors.

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