Addressing the BUSINEss needs of artists and Professionals

No Artist has yet to tell us they have enough revenue or customers. permits Artists to expand revenue sources. It's the fastest way to new revenue. Event Revenue, Membership Revenue, Gift Certificates, Merchandise. And more revenue sources for Artists will be implemented.

Like at a cafeteria, Artists choose the revenue sources they want to implement, when they are ready.

It is substantially more expensive to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing customer.

That is why CuratorClub supports community development, to be able to easily reach out to fans, followers and repeat customers.

An Artist decides if his/her community is free to join, or a "for fee" community.

Have you considered Membership Revenue Model for your Events? Benefits include revenue certainty, while simplifying life for your community members. It's now possible with CuratorClub. Ask us and we will even help you set up a pilot.

CuratorClub communities offer artists an easy and cost effective way to manage their community, explore and implement new revenue models and to easily reach out to the community in new ways.

Lower the cost of acquiring new customers.

Increase your visibility.

We've integrated CuratorClub with social media with Facebook, Twitter and email, implemented with the primary purpose of amplifying visibility initiatives.

In addition, list your events and communities on and instantly get more visibility from other CuratorClub users. Its free visibility, free marketing. Can't beat that! is a platform addressing real business and revenue needs of artists and professionals

Artists and Professionals want to spend their time being Artists and Professionals. Clubs, Associations, Societies want to be Clubs, Associations and Societies. They all want to minimize time on administration, overheads, setting up websites and hundreds of other things. minimizes administrative overhead for Artists. Get up and going with events, gift certificates, merchandise or set up at community in minimal time, usually within 15 to 30 minutes. That's our goal. We want it to be dead simple to use.

Get started now at

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