Around Javelina Nation News, events and upcoming activities at Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Texas A&M - Kingsville was busy with thousands of students roaming the campus for their first day of classes. We urge students to come early and be prepared for class!

First day of school at Javelina Nation!

There was a lot of campus activity on the first day of school here at Texas A&M - Kingsville. Looking for something to do in your spare time? Visit the Campus Activities Board!

Second Day of Classes at Javelina Nation!

Don’t forget, it’s hot in South Texas. Take precautions to protect yourself from the heat. Stay hydrated. Wear a hat. Apply sunscreen.

The Rave Guardian App, get it from Apple App Store or Google Play Store!

To go the extra step for safety, download the Rave Guardian app at the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. Use your university email address to get started. KIII TV 3 paid a visit to the campus to highlight the app and how it works!

Students move in!!

I’m starving. I wonder "what's on the menu" at Javelina Dining? Check it out online.

Located at the Jernigan Library.
Fresh Coffee!
Snacks too!

Just need a cup of coffee or a sandwich? Try Cup and Chaucer in the lobby of the Jernigan Library.

Go to the Javelina Bookstore for textbooks and supplies!

Get all your school supply needs and more at the University Bookstore.

The South Texan is our student-run newspaper.

Check out all the latest campus news. Read The South Texan! A student-run newspaper located here on the campus!

Join a student organization!

It’s not too early to join a student organization. There are more than 100 to choose from.

Created By
Christopher Ambriz


Christopher Ambriz 

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